Latest update effective 29th June

We are pleased to announce that from Monday 29th June our service will have Virtual & Face to Face session availability for Physiotherapy treatment.

The Public Health England clinical advisory for all therapists, including Physiotherapists, Osteopaths and Chiropractors, has recently changed from performing Virtual consultations only, to undertaking Virtual Consultations and then going to Face to Face sessions based on  the “clinical need” of the condition.

Clinical need has to be assessed by a Physiotherapist. Therefore, if you have a new condition, we will need to perform a Virtual Online consultation to assess the condition. However, if we decide this will not be effective in your treatment we will discuss  face to face treatment.

If you have an existing condition and were receiving treatment from us  before lockdown, and feel you require face to face treatment, please let us know and we can call you to discuss this.

In asking all therapists and Hands on Health Professionals to take this Virtual, then Face to Face approach, Public Health England hopes to help those in clinical need, while trying to reduce unnecessary Covid exposure.

Please be reassured that we have undertaken a full risk assessment and incorporated the necessary procedures to minimise any potential Covid risk from face to face treatment.

How Our Face to Face Appointments will work:

Before Your Appointment

You will receive a call from our staff to let you know all the key information you will need.

You will be asked questions to screen for Covid 19 symptoms, and be supplied with a consent form, which outlines key safety points which will be undertaken in your session.

On the Day

Before you leave the house please ensure you have used the lavatory. Although we have toilet facilities on site, we are trying to minimise use to stop cross infection risks.

Please bring water, as no water fountains etc will be used onsite.

Please attend the clinic on your own, and leave children and babies at home.

Please limit any personal items you bring with you, and arrive changed ready for the session.

Entering the Clinic

We ask everyone to wait outside the building, either in your car, or stand socially distancing at the building entrance. Your Physiotherapist will call you and come and collect you, thus avoiding having to wait in a waiting room.

You will be asked to bring a face covering with you to wear at all times in the building. You will also be asked to use a hand sanitiser provided by us.

Your Physiotherapist will ask you questions to screen for Covid 19 before entering the building.

Your Treatment Session

Your treatment will take place as per normal. Your Physiotherapist will be wearing PPE at all times.

After each session the room will be fully disinfected, and left for the air to settle for 15 minutes before the next client will enter.

Windows will be open to maximise any outside ventilation.

After the Session

The Physiotherapist will book your next session.

Our receptionist will contact you afterwards to process payment over the phone.

We hope you feel reassured by the measures we have put in place, and you will feel safe during your visit to Orchard Clinic.

Our receptionist will be happy to deal with any questions you may have regarding Virtual and Face to Face sessions, please call 01727 855414.

Kind regards

Paul Carnell